JW轴承出厂时,轴承内就注入了适量的润滑油或润滑脂。Before shipment,enough lubrication has been filled into bearings,the working temperature is between -30°and +130°,special lubrication could be used if necessary.
轴承的噪音检测由仪器S0910-1来完成,分为Z1、Z2、Z3、Z4级别,振动检测由仪器BVT-1来完成,分为V1、V2、V3、V4级别The vibration and noise of bearings are classified as four classed as Z1,Z2,Z3 and Z4.It is measured by the instrument of S0910-1...
轴承精度按照GB/T307-94的国家标准可以分为G、E、D、C、B。这些公差和ISO、JIS等标准对照如下There are stipulations to the roller bearing major size allowable tolerance, admittance value, rotating precision in the National Standard of G...